Saturday, August 1, 2009

Great Leadership inspire greatness in others

Accomplish others and bring success for others is the true leadership. An excellent guy compete with others till reach leader's position may not be the most excellent leader because all his way till today's position might based on compete and all kind of skill to makes him take better advantage compare to other competitors and in many cases even try to produce an unfair environment to win the game. If this attitude keep with him after become a manager's position, what makes him success might become the biggest obstacle for him to be a great leader. He will prevent any one to be successful like him, everyone works under him will be worse or at least pretend worse than him, we can see a less efficient team performance on daily tasks and a surprise rebelling might happen sometime to replace him.

A great leadership is a very complex personality. To get promotion to the leader's job you are a player for the game, after you reach the top you need be a coach for the other players in the team to lead them to make the best performance for the group ! How could one can understand in which situation it is a competition or coaching job ? The better to act yourself , to help group gets the best benefit and others get their best achievement, the better leadership you will have. It is a game of both competition in your skills and openness in your mind !

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