Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fight for Life and Death

When two Jedi knight light up their light saber, it is just like two samurais due with their katana or ken-do athlete fight with their bamboo sword. It is a fight that less than a few seconds and it is a fight for life and death. Think about face life & death matter stuff with seconds, how fast should you react to survive through such a challenge ?

The Exam itself is just like such a fight! A trained warrior has to make himself be able to read and understand how to observe and realize correct enemy intent and react in a designated process as fast as accurate as possible. Just like swordsmanship, a sword master know when and where his enemy shall attack him, he neutralize such attack lunch the effective counter strike in the most impossible way for his opponent to strike back or neutralize his deadly fight.

For Exam problems to fully understand what the exam really wanna test you and discover all the pitfalls and traps behind is the most important first step to score the problem. Secondly a prepared and trained million times standard process with 100% accurate 100% of the time should perform like a direct unconscious response right after the decision is made !

Samurais especially in Edo era stand not much chance to survive after his loose his first attempt to strike his enemy. Exam with a very tight time limit is similar to fight a 30 enemies within 3 hours, each person you have only 6 minutes from decide how to fight till score the problem or completely lose it.

An over trained solider learn a lot of "dead" Katas cannot use it in realed battle field because the training only can guarantee he will do the fight well with mock simulation only. He need more experience in field and really use his brain to think before strike back and with a little bit luck to survive the next fight to accumulate this precious experience.

Decision need be fast, accurate and clear; Kata need be alive, accurate and then speedy!

I. Sense of enemy intent
  1. it is a mind map with a collection of all kinds of known solution skills and concepts
  2. it is a expert decision tree system take the shortcut if necessary to make the solution process most efficiently!
  3. it is a knowledge decision tree generated gradually based on previous and ongoing dummy problem experience
  4. it is the only weapon to face infinite possible ways the problems encountered in real exam condition
  5. it is the most difficult part even you did over 5000 question over 160 times of simulations if without this sense still you will failed on your next exam !
II. Unconscious direct response on highly trained Kata
  1. stupidest way is the fastest way and hence the smartest way to response fast
  2. stupidest way have to learn with the smartest or say most flexible way
  3. One Kata there are infinite to perform or various usages
  4. Always think about all kinds of possible variation when you just practice a single Kata
  5. A Kata will be alive if it has many ways to perform.
  6. A Kata is dead if it has only one way and this one way cannot perform very accurate
  7. Accurate is the sufficient requirement for any Kata in any performance
  8. Speed is the endless goal to improve ourselves

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