Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Exorcist Swordsmanship: preface


Long time ago, it has been said that energy of spiritual haunted human can be reduce or removed by a concentrated swordsman's perform of his sword kata !
But there is a very very strict requirement for such a swordsmanship, it is very rare to see anyone satisfied such abilities for hundreds of years !

Then, what is the requirement ?

At beginning, and the most important is the initial grand master for this swordsman!
God require the swordsman's teacher save over 10 life voluntarily without any order or reward and fight a war or disaster for goodness and public with his commanders, commemorates and soldiers cause over hundred warriors dead from the master's side during this course!

Then God could issue 10 of his most skillful apostles as Exorcist Swordsman and equipment them with power of the hundred sacrificed warriors' soul! The saved is used for creation and the dead is used for destruction.

There is a unspoken convention that even a great grand master satisfied such a strict requirement might not been able to train any of his student to be a real Exorcist Swordsman because only when a person lost most important things or beloved one in his or her life could have such a strong will to continue improve his or her skill to reach such a status !

The Sword is used as a bridge to produce the energy necessary to destroy, absorb or disturb the haunted spiritual's energy. Real sword is not necessary, basically any thing in a sword shape even a wooden made sword works, but most of the time a mental material is preferred especially for an unskillful Exorcist swordsman because mental provide a better way to transfer heat, electricity, magnetic wave those most basic form of energy in this world.

Hence the most important thing inference the power and effect of exorcism is not the sword but the swordsmanship behind ! A good sword do help a lot in many situation and help swordsman do his job well but it is not a necessary and sufficient requirement to perform a good exorcism!

The following is the story of a group of swordsmanship form a small island and their story of exorcism !

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