Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Exorcist Swordsmanship: Their Grand Master

The Grand Master:

During the end of war, when the most serious yet the most hopeless fighting was continued and devouring young soldiers day by day, the 22 years old grand master was just graduated from his majesty's imperial university. The class has long being suspended indefinitely due to war effort. His majesty request every single young man dedicated his soul and body to defend for the empire. The graduate date is the beginning date to enlist in military. Because the intensity of war college study has been stopped and transfer the university to a military school training for leadership in army, all the student become warrant officers over night, and rifle replaced pen, shooting and bayonet fighting style replaced writing and calculation.

What is the cause of war ? At that moment, it was long forgotten by imperial citizens because war had been their everyday life for years. Every one has lost relatives in war; father, brother, uncle, son, grandson, husband. Every imperial citizen's family is broken, some family members shall never comeback home again. This is the result of continuing expanding policy of over a century from the Empire! Everyone is struggle, everyone is try to survive, as to quest for the cause of war it really doesn't matter at that moment.

The Exorcist Swordsmanship: preface


Long time ago, it has been said that energy of spiritual haunted human can be reduce or removed by a concentrated swordsman's perform of his sword kata !
But there is a very very strict requirement for such a swordsmanship, it is very rare to see anyone satisfied such abilities for hundreds of years !

Then, what is the requirement ?

At beginning, and the most important is the initial grand master for this swordsman!
God require the swordsman's teacher save over 10 life voluntarily without any order or reward and fight a war or disaster for goodness and public with his commanders, commemorates and soldiers cause over hundred warriors dead from the master's side during this course!

Then God could issue 10 of his most skillful apostles as Exorcist Swordsman and equipment them with power of the hundred sacrificed warriors' soul! The saved is used for creation and the dead is used for destruction.

There is a unspoken convention that even a great grand master satisfied such a strict requirement might not been able to train any of his student to be a real Exorcist Swordsman because only when a person lost most important things or beloved one in his or her life could have such a strong will to continue improve his or her skill to reach such a status !

The Sword is used as a bridge to produce the energy necessary to destroy, absorb or disturb the haunted spiritual's energy. Real sword is not necessary, basically any thing in a sword shape even a wooden made sword works, but most of the time a mental material is preferred especially for an unskillful Exorcist swordsman because mental provide a better way to transfer heat, electricity, magnetic wave those most basic form of energy in this world.

Hence the most important thing inference the power and effect of exorcism is not the sword but the swordsmanship behind ! A good sword do help a lot in many situation and help swordsman do his job well but it is not a necessary and sufficient requirement to perform a good exorcism!

The following is the story of a group of swordsmanship form a small island and their story of exorcism !

Blood of Poison

Long time ago, there is a stream of blood, a family with poison blood embedded in their body.
It has been passed from father to daughter from mother to son genetically!
Every food become poison slowly take their life away, and there is no cure !
This tradition has been continued for eons !
Someone has to stop this deceased family blood line !
Each generation of the family's man and woman fight for their life with this daemon !
No one has ever won this battle with the daemon in recorded known history!
Food become drug and blood become poison !
You cannot stop eat unless you wanna die, but if you eat, you are poisoned to die slowly by the food to kept you alive !
The only salvation is exercise!
It is the only way to purify their poisoned blood and survive !

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Compoments of a Problem !

To understand a problem need understand what it is made of :

1. question
  • what the problem wanna know ?
  • it is located at the end of a problem
  • you can read question first before start read the whole problem description
2. answer
  • answer is real number means no guessing its a hard calculation problem
  • non real number answer symmetric provide hint for what wanna exam you
  • from answer can tell need skip first or try to solve earlier
  • from answer can know correct unit to use, percentage or real number
3. condition
  • most of the time problem will obviously state the condition
  • sometimes a hidden condition can be the critical point the problem can be solve correctly or not
  • one condition may include more than one requirement this is favorite way to make you make mistakes
  • some key words should categorize and use a signal to specific topics
  • one variable or two makes difference

Fight for Life and Death

When two Jedi knight light up their light saber, it is just like two samurais due with their katana or ken-do athlete fight with their bamboo sword. It is a fight that less than a few seconds and it is a fight for life and death. Think about face life & death matter stuff with seconds, how fast should you react to survive through such a challenge ?

The Exam itself is just like such a fight! A trained warrior has to make himself be able to read and understand how to observe and realize correct enemy intent and react in a designated process as fast as accurate as possible. Just like swordsmanship, a sword master know when and where his enemy shall attack him, he neutralize such attack lunch the effective counter strike in the most impossible way for his opponent to strike back or neutralize his deadly fight.

For Exam problems to fully understand what the exam really wanna test you and discover all the pitfalls and traps behind is the most important first step to score the problem. Secondly a prepared and trained million times standard process with 100% accurate 100% of the time should perform like a direct unconscious response right after the decision is made !

Samurais especially in Edo era stand not much chance to survive after his loose his first attempt to strike his enemy. Exam with a very tight time limit is similar to fight a 30 enemies within 3 hours, each person you have only 6 minutes from decide how to fight till score the problem or completely lose it.

An over trained solider learn a lot of "dead" Katas cannot use it in realed battle field because the training only can guarantee he will do the fight well with mock simulation only. He need more experience in field and really use his brain to think before strike back and with a little bit luck to survive the next fight to accumulate this precious experience.

Decision need be fast, accurate and clear; Kata need be alive, accurate and then speedy!

I. Sense of enemy intent
  1. it is a mind map with a collection of all kinds of known solution skills and concepts
  2. it is a expert decision tree system take the shortcut if necessary to make the solution process most efficiently!
  3. it is a knowledge decision tree generated gradually based on previous and ongoing dummy problem experience
  4. it is the only weapon to face infinite possible ways the problems encountered in real exam condition
  5. it is the most difficult part even you did over 5000 question over 160 times of simulations if without this sense still you will failed on your next exam !
II. Unconscious direct response on highly trained Kata
  1. stupidest way is the fastest way and hence the smartest way to response fast
  2. stupidest way have to learn with the smartest or say most flexible way
  3. One Kata there are infinite to perform or various usages
  4. Always think about all kinds of possible variation when you just practice a single Kata
  5. A Kata will be alive if it has many ways to perform.
  6. A Kata is dead if it has only one way and this one way cannot perform very accurate
  7. Accurate is the sufficient requirement for any Kata in any performance
  8. Speed is the endless goal to improve ourselves

I am with you all the time

Dear my love:

I am with you all the time. Every moment I am think about you, every effort to improve my health and abilities has an ultimate goal to bring a better life for you and me!

Please understand me; I am always with you, I will be you best support whatever anything happened !

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Great Leadership inspire greatness in others

Accomplish others and bring success for others is the true leadership. An excellent guy compete with others till reach leader's position may not be the most excellent leader because all his way till today's position might based on compete and all kind of skill to makes him take better advantage compare to other competitors and in many cases even try to produce an unfair environment to win the game. If this attitude keep with him after become a manager's position, what makes him success might become the biggest obstacle for him to be a great leader. He will prevent any one to be successful like him, everyone works under him will be worse or at least pretend worse than him, we can see a less efficient team performance on daily tasks and a surprise rebelling might happen sometime to replace him.

A great leadership is a very complex personality. To get promotion to the leader's job you are a player for the game, after you reach the top you need be a coach for the other players in the team to lead them to make the best performance for the group ! How could one can understand in which situation it is a competition or coaching job ? The better to act yourself , to help group gets the best benefit and others get their best achievement, the better leadership you will have. It is a game of both competition in your skills and openness in your mind !

Friday, July 24, 2009

To Prepare an EXAM or Totally change your life style to adjust yourself in Best condition ?!

  1. EXERCISE one exercise you can continue do it every day at least 30 min (if it is too intensive you cannot continue !) After carry out one month you can gradually make your exercise more intensive in length and times (adjust month by month) suggestion: 五禽戲;太極拳;香功;十二式達摩易筋經,
  2. EAT HEALTHY make your food balance and healthy, exercise after eat 30min to 1 hour, avoid sleepy inference your studysuggestion: 陰陽五行説 > 食品の栄養の含有量の一覧表 > Nutrition Pyramid
  3. RELAX YOURSELF meditation through music, zen or self hypnosis that could bring yourself to best condition for study and examsuggestion: Monroe Institute, Fumio Myashita, listen your favorite music, Canon, play your piano ; or any music or activities that help your brain get in alpha wave situation!
  4. REPEAT REVIEW repeat review what you have done everyday, every 2-3 days and weekly to enhance memory; the more you have studied the more you have to review; studied one month you might take one week for review; studied four month you need take 1 month to review everything; if you have 6 month to study you will have only 3-4 month to studies, left over whole 2-3 month is review, review and review to make you you remember everything and can use it well under test condition at that moment !
  5. TRACKING AND ADJUST YOURSELF IN TIME Make schedule and record how your schedule has been carried out to a free blog daily, report and honest to yourself only not to anyone, use it to adjust impractical plan or characterize less efficient study way for yourself !suggestion: google blogger, wordpress
  6. CHANGE YOUR STUDY ENVIRONMENT Base on you schedule what things not related to exam preparation use your time more, simplify those jobs or away from those activities (move out house, pay more money, eat healthy, change life schedule; anything that your can do to help test preparation better in this short period of time!).
  7. KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU EXAM If you did all about five part I believe you can make use of every moment of your time prepare for the exam. If you still feel the preparation is not very good or exam did not pass; the way of your study for the exam might get trouble !Find material from private preparation school if you have friends study over there, you don't have to go but you have to know how others prepare for the test and their passing rate !

My exam trouble was combined both rule 1~ 5 to adjust myself in best condition use every second I have to study and plus the rule 6 : really correct way to prepare the exam study material to efficiently met what the exam required !

What is the balance of Life ?

Too much or too less makes trouble for you, but where is your golden mean for everything ?
My answer to myself get new idea, try it and make a change every moment think about is there any way to further improve yourself. Gradually you will find your golden mean for everything